I love cupcakes

Nunc auctor bibendum eros. Maecenas porta accumsan mauris. Etiam enim enim, elementum sed, bibendum quis, rhoncus non, metus.

Please not:  The double line break at paragraphs is part of the CSS styling for this threme.  It can’t be changed.  In terms of typography, it is a standard convetion for making readable paragraphs on screen.  If the user doesn’t like it they can try a different theme but on our installation of WOrdPress users can’t edit tylesheets because they are shared by all users of UMass blogs and the changes would affect any site that used that theme.  Sorry :-(

Fusce neque dolor, adipiscing sed, consectetuer et, lacinia sit amet, quam. Suspendisse wisi quam, consectetuer in, blandit sed, suscipit eu, eros. Etiam ligula enim, tempor ut, blandit nec, mollis eu, lectus. Nam cursus. Vivamus iaculis. Aenean risus purus, pharetra in, blandit quis, gravida a, turpis. Donec nisl. Aenean eget mi. Fusce mattis est id diam. Phasellus faucibus interdum sapien. Duis quis nunc. Sed enim.

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