We will publish a pair on-line volumes in the GLSA University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics series on ScholarWorks (https://scholarworks.umass.edu/umop/). This follows the tradition of  the 25th anniversary volume, which was published in print (of course), but is now freely available on-line.

We will have one volume that contains scholarly works, and the other for historical notes, reminiscences, photo albums, etc. By collecting photos in this way they will be properly archived, and it will be easy for you to add notes. Just add photos to a document in your favorite word processing application and save as a .pdf. Please contact us at umassling50@umass.edu if you would like to submit a video.

To submit to the scholarly works volume, leave a .pdf in this google drive folder, and to the historical notes and images volume, in this google drive folder, by the end of the day August 1st 2024.

We ask that contributors to the scholarly works volume use the UMOP style templates. There is no word limit, and feel free to use some other word processing software if you aren’t comfortable with LaTex.