We will be welcoming those of you who have arrived by Friday afternoon at 4-6 pm in the Linguistics Department, on the 4th floor of the Integrative Learning Center. If you will be here earlier, and would like to connect with others who are here, say to have dinner together, please comment here.

2 thoughts on “Coming early?

  1. I am arriving on Thursday night. I’m coming from Fort Collins, CO, and it is an all day trip. With some luck (I’m flying United) I should get to the Lord Jeff, ahem, the Inn on Boltwood, around 8:30 pm. I will stay at the hotel on the UMass campus the rest of the time. If anyone else is around on Thursday night, I’d be happy to see you.

  2. I’ll be arriving on Thursday and staying in Northampton! Happy to see anyone who will be around and plan to attend everything possible!

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