The New England-St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society (NESTVAL) Conference will be held October 18-19, 2013, at Clark University in Worcester, MA.
The themes will be “Climate Justice,” “Economic and Financial Crisis,” and “Reimagining Mid-Sized Cities;” however, presentations on any topic of interest to the membership are encouraged.
Abstracts for papers and posters of no more than 200 words and proposals for sessions must be submitted by September 15, 2013 to be included in the program. Abstracts should be submitted in electronic format to
Download the Instructions for Organizing Sessions, Preparing Abstracts, and Submitting Information to the Committee.
Preliminary Conference Program
- World Geography Bowl (3PM Friday)
- Plenary session on climate justice with invited speaker Katherine L.Jacobs, Assistant Director for Assessment and Adaptation for the Office of Science and Technology Policy at theWhite House
- Joni Seager, Professor of Geography at Bentley University
- Paper and poster sessions
- Social hour and banquet
- Local and regional field trips
Detailed conference information including the final program will be available October, 2013
The website for the conference is: