Progress Report 1

My Capstone Project is going pretty well. Here’s my working Table of Contents. This is still changing as I learn more about Illustrator and make decisions about what is important and what order things should go in. I am also feeling that it is important to include a lot of screen captures, so my modules are coming out to be longer than I planned. A few of the modules I have completed are the Selection Tool modules and the Brush Tool modules.

Unlike other documentation I have made, I am trying to include Workspace Overview in the beginning, and an Index, Glossary, and list of common keyboard commands that work across Adobe programs in the appendix of this manual.

Besides drafting content I have been spending a lot of time on the Adobe website watching their video tutorials and taking notes.

One Reply to “Progress Report 1”

  1. Hi Victoria — the elements you describe above sound great. The TOC link you include isn’t working for me: it just reloads this same blog entry. Could you upload a draft of one or more of the modules you refer to? If there are tutorials you find particularly good, you might include links to those, as well.

    Is there a particular kind of project or task that you think you may focus your manual around (e.g., technical drawings, color illustrations, etc.)?


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