Our very own Evan Kuras received the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP) this week. Congratulations, Evan!
Monthly Archives: March 2016
The Northeast Natural History Conference – Update!
The finalized schedules for the Northeast Natural History Conference (NENHC) have been posted! Click here.
The conference, held in Springfield, MA from April 22-24, 2016 is still accepting attendee registration through April 15th. Sign up today and see the Warren Lab’s Acoustic Landscapes session!
Dr. Paige Warren in the media!
Results from a collaborative 2013 study on greening projects and bird diversity in Boston popped up this week in Richard Conniff’s column –7 Ways You Can Create an Oasis for Wildlife in Your Town. The column synthesizes information and wildlife recommendations from a variety of studies in many cities across the US — definitely worth a read!
Paige was also one of three guests on a radio show called Radio Times on WHYY, the Philadelphia NPR station in March 2016. The show discussed ways to make cities more bird friendly as well as hot spots for birding in Philadelphia. Listen here.