
Graduate students and postdocs underlined. Undergraduate students underlined and *. Citizen scientists underlined and †. Contributions to other multi-authored papers indicated in [ ].


Urban Bird Ecology and Conservation by C. Lepczyk and P. Warren, 2012.Lepczyk, C. and P. Warren, eds. (2012). “Urban Bird Ecology and Conservation.” University of California Press. (

Selected Publications

Irwin, R.E., P.S. Warren, and L.S. Adler (2018) Phenotypic selection on floral traits in an urban landscape. Proc Roy Soc B 285: 20181239 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1239

La Sorte, F.A., C.A. Lepczyk, M.F.J. Aronson, M.A. Goddard, M. Hedblom, M. Katti, I. MacGregor-Fors, U. Mörtberg, C.H. Nilon, P.S. Warren, N.S.G Williams, and J. Yang. (2018). The phylogenetic and functional diversity of regional breeding bird assemblages is reduced and constricted through urbanization. Diversity and Distributions Epub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12738

Kane, B.C.P., P.S. Warren, and S.B. Lerman (2015). Tree risk assessment and the occurrence of cavity-nesting birds in residential landscapes. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14: 1137-1146.

Schmidt, P., S. Caspers, P. Warren, and K. Witte (in press). First steps into the wild – Exploration behavior of European bison after the first reintroduction in Western Europe. PlosOne.

Cheng, C., R. Ryan, P.S. Warren, and C. Nicolson (accepted, pending revision). Visualization and scenario planning: Working with stakeholders to achieve the multiple benefits of sustainability. Landscape and Urban Planning (special issue).

Rega, C., C. Nilon, and P.S. Warren (2015). Avian abundance patterns in relation to the distribution of small urban greenspaces. Journal of Urban Planning and Development (Special issue on Green Infrastructure), (10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000279), A4015002.

Strohbach, M. W., A. Hrycyna†, and P. Warren (2014). 150 years of changes in bird life in Cambridge, Massachusetts from 1860 to 2012. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126:192–206.

Ryan, R.L., P. S. Warren, C. Nicolson, C. Cheng, R. Danford and M. Strohbach (2014). Scenario Planning for the Boston Metropolitan Region: Exploring Environmental and Social Implications of Alternative Futures. Landscape Architecture China (

Aronson, M., F. La Sorte, C. Nilon, M. Katti, M. Goddard, C. Lepczyk, P. Warren, N. Williams, S. Cilliers, B. Clarkson, C. Dobbs, M. Heblom, J. Louwe Koojimans, I. MacGregor-Fors, U. Mortberg, S. Siebert, P. Werner, I. Kuehn, M. McDonnell, and J. Sushinsky (2014). A global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281:20133330. (

Irwin, R.E., P.S. Warren, A.L. Carper, and L.S. Adler (2014). Natural selection in urban environments: the role of plant-animal interactions. Oecologia 174:803–815.

Carper, A., L. Adler, P. Warren, and R. Irwin (2014). Effects of suburbanization on forest bee communities. Environmental Entomology 43(2): 253-262.

Danford, R.S., C. Cheng, M. Strohbach, R. Ryan, C. Nicolson, and P. Warren (2014). What Does It Take to Achieve Equitable Urban Tree Canopy Distribution? A Boston Case Study. Cities and the Environment 7(1):Article 2. (

Strohbach, M., S. B. Lerman, and P. S. Warren (2013). Are small greening areas enhancing bird diversity? Insights from community-driven greening projects in Boston. Landscape and Urban Planning 114:69-79.

Bellis, M., C. Griffin, P. Warren, and S. Jackson (2013). Utilizing a multi-technique, multi-taxa approach to monitoring wildlife passageways in Southern Vermont. Oecologia Australis 17(1):111-128.

Lerman, S. B., P. S. Warren, H. Gan*, and E. Shochat (2012). Linking foraging decisions to residential yard bird composition. PlosOne 7(8): e43497.

Lepczyk, C. A., P. S. Warren, L. Machabée, A. P. Kinzig, and A. Mertig (2012). Who feeds the birds? A comparison between Phoenix, Arizona and Southeastern Michigan. Studies in Avian Biology, edited series from Cooper Ornithological Society. Series editor: Brett Sandercock. Assoc. Editors for “Urban Bird Ecology and Conservation”: C. Lepczyk and P. Warren.

Pickett, S.T.A., G.S. Brush, A.J. Felson, B.P. McGrath, J.M. Grove, C.H. Nilon, K. Szlavecz, C.S. Swan, and P.S. Warren (2012). The Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Understanding and Working with Urban Biodiversity. Citygreen Issue 4: 68-77.  (invited submission)

Warren, P. S., R. L. Ryan, S. B. Lerman, and K. Tooke (2011). Social and institutional factors associated with land use and forest conservation along two urban gradients in Massachusetts. Landscape and Urban Planning 102:82-92.

Lerman S. B. and P. S. Warren (2011). The conservation value of residential yards: Linking birds and people. Ecological Applications 21(4):1327-1339.

Pickett, S.T.A., M.L. Cadenasso, J.M. Grove, C.G. Boone, E. Irwin, P. M. Groffman, S.S. Kaushal, V. Marshall, B.P. McGrath, C.H. Nilon, R.V. Pouyat, K. Szlavecz, A. Troy, and P. Warren (2011). Urban ecological systems: Foundations and a decade of progress.  Journal of Environmental Management 92:331-362. [Warren is lead author for the section “Organisms: Urban animals”]

Mayer, P.M., N. Grimm, C. Lepczyk, S. Pickett, R. Pouyat, and P. Warren (2010). Urban ecology is already on the research agenda. Nature 467(153).

Shochat, E., S. B. Lerman, J. M. Anderies, P. S. Warren, S. H. Faeth, and C. H. Nilon (2010). Invasion, competition, and biodiversity loss in urban ecosystems. BioScience 60(3):199-208.

Ahern J., L. Jennings, B. Fenstermacher, P. Warren, N. Charney, S. Jackson, J. Mullin, Z. Kotval, S. Brena, S. Civjan, and  E. Carr (2009). Issues and methods for transdisciplinary planning of combined wildlife and pedestrian highway crossings. Transportation Research Record, No. 2123, Journal of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C. pp. 129-136.

Charney, N. D., B. H. Letcher, A. Haro, and P. S. Warren (2009). Terrestrial Passive Integrated Transponder antennae for tracking small animal movements. Journal of Wildlife Management 73(7):1245-1250.

Nilon, C. H., P. S. Warren, and J. Wolf (2009). Baltimore birdscape study: Identifying habitat and land cover variables for an urban bird monitoring project. Urban Habitats 6.

Pickett, S.T.A., M.L. Cadenasso, J.M. Grove, P.M. Groffman, L.E. Band, C.G. Boone, G.S. Brush, W.R. Burch, Jr., C.S.B. Grimmond, J. Hom, J.C. Jenkins, N.L. Law, C.H. Nilon, R.V. Pouyat, K. Szlavecz, P. S. Warren, and M.A. Wilson. (2008). Beyond urban legends: New, unexpected, or complex results from the Baltimore Ecosystem Study. BioScience 52(2):139-150. (doi:10.1641/B580208).

Warren, P. S., S. B. Lerman, and N. D. Charney (2008). Plants of a feather: Spatial autocorrelation in suburban neighborhoods. Biological Conservation 141:3-4.

Walker; J.S., R.C Balling, Jr., J.M. Briggs, M. Katti, P. S. Warren, and E. A Wentz (2008). Birds of a feather: A story of urban and exurban population biology. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 32:19-28.

Podos, J. and P. S. Warren (2007). The evolution of geographic variation in birdsong. Advances in the Study of Behavior. 37:403-459. (doi: 10.1016/S0065-3454(07)37009-5).

Shochat, E., P. S. Warren, and S. H. Faeth (2006). The future of urban ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21(12):661-662.

Shochat, E., P. S. Warren, S. H. Faeth, N. E. McIntyre, and D. Hope (2006). From pattern to emerging processes in urban mechanistic ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21(4):186-191. (doi:10.1016/j.tree.2005.11.019).

Warren, P. S., C. Tripler, D. Bolger, S. Faeth, N. Huntly, C. Lepczyk, J. Meyer, T. Parker, E. Shochat, and J. Walker (2006). Urban food webs: predators, prey, and the people who feed them. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 87(4):387-394.

Farber, S., R. Costanza, D. L. Childers, J. Erickson, K. Gross, J. M. Grove, C. Hopkinson, J. Kahn, S. Pincetl, A. Troy, P. S. Warren, and M. Wilson (2006). Linking ecology and economics for ecosystem management. BioScience 56(2):121-133. [Manuscript developed as part of an NCEAS working group; Warren authored section “Urban Ecosystem: Central Arizona-Phoenix”]

Warren, P. S., M. Katti, M. Ermann, and A. Brazel (2006). Urban bioacoustics – It’s not just noise. Animal Behaviour 71(3):491-502 (

Bertram, S. and P. S. Warren (2005). Supermales trade off calling rate with duration and intensity: mate attraction strategies of the field cricket, Gryllus texensis. Animal Behaviour 70:477-484.

Kinzig, A. P., P. S. Warren, C. Martin, D. Hope, and M. Katti (2005). The effects of human socioeconomic status and cultural characteristics on urban patterns of biodiversity. Ecology and Society 10(1):23 [online] (

Faeth, S. H., P. S. Warren, E. Shochat, and W. Marussich (2005). Trophic dynamics in urban communities. BioScience 55(5):399-407.

Martin, C., P. S. Warren, and A. P. Kinzig (2004). Socioeconomic characteristics are useful predictors of landscape vegetation in small urban parks and surrounding neighborhoods. Landscape and Urban Planning 69:355-368.

Katti, M. and P. S. Warren (2004). Research Focus: Tits, noise, and urban bioacoustics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19(3):109-110.

Warren, P. S. (2003). Winter dialects in the Bronzed Cowbird and their relationship to dialects in the breeding season. Animal Behaviour 65:1169-1178.

Warren, P. S. (2002). Geographic variation and dialects in the ‘flight whistle’ of the Bronzed Cowbird. Auk 119:349-361.

Other Lab Publications

Lerman, S. B., K. Turner, and C. Bang (2012). Homeowner Associations as a vehicle for promoting urban biodiversity: A case study from Phoenix, AZ. Ecology and Society 17(4): 45. (

Charney, N. D. (2012). On expert opinion and spatial scale: parameterizing an amphibian model.  Ecological Modeling 242: 37-45.

Charney, N. D. (2012). Relating hybrid advantage and genome replacement in unisexual salamanders. Evolution 66(5):1387-1397.

Book Chapters and Reports

Arnold, E., M.W. Strohbach, and P.S. Warren (2014). Allergenic potential of street trees in Boston, Massachusetts. Pp. 115–141 in Human-Environmental Interactions in Cities – Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Land Use Planning and Green Infrastructure by N. Kabisch, N. Larondelle, A. Reeve, M. Artmann (eds.) Cambridge Scholars.

Strohbach, M.W., Peterson, Nils, and P.S. Warren (2014). Urban Wildlife Science in Coupled Human-Natural Systems in Urban Wildlife Science: Theory and Practice by R. McCleery, C. Moorman, and N. Peterson (eds.) Springer, pp.33-53.

Shanahan, D.F., M.W. Strohbach, P.S. Warren, and R.A. Fuller (2014). Living in urban environments: Novel responses to novel challenges in Avian Urban Ecology by D. Gil and H. Brumm (eds.) Oxford University Press.

Warren, P. S. and C. A. Lepczyk (2012). Beyond the gradient: Insights from new work in the avian ecology of urbanizing lands. Introduction to the volume Urban Bird Ecology and Conservation from the Studies in Avian Biology, edited series from Cooper Ornithological Society. Brett Sandercock (editor-in-chief). University of California Press.

Swan, C.M., S.T.A. Pickett, K. Szlavecz, P. Warren, and K.T. Willey (2011). Biodiversity and community composition in urban ecosystems: coupled human, spatial and metacommunity processes. In Handbook of Urban Ecology by Jari Niemela (ed) Oxford University Press.

Slavecz, K., P. S. Warren, and S. T. A. Pickett (2011). Biodiversity on the Urban Landscape (pp75-101) in Human Population: Its Influences on Biological Diversity, Ecological Studies 214. by R.P. Cincotta, L. Gorenflo and D. Mageean (eds) Springer. Heidelberg, Germany.

Warren, P. S., S. Harlan, C. Boone, S. B. Lerman, E. Shochat, and A. P. Kinzig (2010). Urban ecology and human social organization. Pages 172-201 in Urban Ecology by K. Gaston (ed) Ecological Reviews series Cambridge University Press.

Fuller, T., S. DeStefano, and P. Warren (2010). Carnivore behavior and ecology, and relationship to urbanization. Pages 13-19 in Urban Carnivores: Ecology, Conflict, and Conservation by S.D. Gehrt, S.P.D. Riley, and B.L. Cypher (eds).  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland.

Ahern, J., L. Jennings, B. Fenstermacher, P. Warren, N. Charney, S. Jackson, J. R. Mullin, Z. Kotval, S. Brena, S. Civjan, and E. Carr (2009). Issues and Methods for Transdisciplinary Planning of Combined Wildlife and Pedestrian Highway Crossings. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2009 Paper #09-0441.

Ahern, J., J. R. Mullin, Z. Kotval, E. Carr, P. Warren, S. Jackson, S. Brena, S. Civjan, B. Fenstermacher, L. Jennings, M. Bellis, and N. Charney (2007). Report from the Walden Passage Feasibility Study. Prepared for Federal Highway Administration by Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, UMass-Amherst.

Bellis, M., S. Jackson, C. Griffin, P. S. Warren, and A. O. Thompson (2007). Utilizing a multi -technique, multi-taxa approach to monitoring wildlife passageways on the Bennington Bypass in southern Vermont. Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation. Little Rock, Arkanas.

Hope, D., C. Gries, P. Warren, M. Katti, G. Stuart, J. Oleson, and J. Kaye (2005). How do humans restructure the biodiversity of the Sonoran desert? In: Connecting Mountain Islands and Desert Seas: Biodiversity and Management of the Madrean Archipelago II, 2004 May 11-15, Tucson, AZ. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-26: 189-194 (Fort Collins, CO).

Public Outreach Publications

Kane, B.,  P. Warren, S. Lerman (2016). Risk Trees and Cavity-Nesting Birds. Arborist News April Issue (pp.24-25).

M. Strohbach, P. Warren, and A. Hrycyna (2014). “Saturday, April 28th, 1866: Saw the first chimney swallow today” 150 years of bird observation in western Cambridge. Bird Observer 42(4):202-2013.

P. Warren (2008). Hazards and Habitat: Personal reflections on what to do for birds in dead trees and limbs, Citizen Forester, the online newsletter of the Massachusetts Urban Forestry Program, Sept issue.

P. Warren (2008). Hazards and Habitat: Personal reflections on what to do for birds in dead trees and limbs, The Connecticut Arborist, the official publication of the Connecticut Tree Protective Association, XIX (III):pp. 2 and 5.