Warren Lab at the NENHC

Aaron Grade, Anna Handte-Reinecker, and Ben Dookram presented their research projects this past weekend at the Northeast Natural History Conference (NENHC) in Springfield.

A Grey Squirrel captured on one of Aaron’s camera traps, which he used to survey the mammals in residential yards.

Anna with her poster on Wood Thrush.

Ben highlighting key features in the spectrogram on his poster.









Aaron gave a wonderful talk on the “Patterns of Mammal Diversity and Occupancy Across a Suburban Gradient.”

Anna presented a poster on her Honors thesis work entitled “Comparing the Trophic Overlap of Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Nestlings in Continuous vs. Fragmented Forests Using Stable Isotopes.”

Ben also presented a poster of his independent research inspired by his field work with House Wrens entitled “Documenting a Poorly Understood Alarm Call in the Northern House Wren.”

Great work, everyone!

Congratulations Jess!


Jess presenting her poster at the Cafe Summer Scholars Poster Session. Also in frame, Aaron Grade (left) and Dr. Paige Warren (right).

Congratulations to Jess Vilensky for her successful summer project and poster presentation as a Cafe Summer Scholar! Jess’s project, “Impacts of habitat on the success and use of nest boxes by House Wrens” was a popular poster at the session. Jess is continuing in the lab working on wren “BirdTV”; a.k.a. behavioral videography and provisioning of bird nesting.

Northeastern Natural History Conference (NENHC)

The Northeast Natural History Conference LogoThe Warren Lab is hosting a session on Acoustic Landscapes at the NENHC Conference in Springfield, MA on April 22-24 2016.

Acoustic Landscapes: Living in a Noisy World

Animals from across the taxonomic spectrum rely on acoustic landscapes for communication and to assess the world around them. The acoustic landscape (i.e., soundscape) is a complex combination of animal, human-generated, and abiotic sounds, and is influenced by weather conditions and physical structure. It can also vary across space and across time within a location. The study of acoustic landscapes encompasses diverse disciplines from landscape architecture to behavioral ecology. This session will explore the interaction between animals and soundscapes, how soundscapes are modified by urbanization and infrastructure, and why soundscapes are important to conservation efforts.

Abstracts are due March 6, 2016.
Early registration closes after March 20, 2016.