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Team Microbiome Researcher Wins Grant

Riley Lab researcher Morgan Lance received a $1,000 research grant for the Spring of 2024. The grant, provided by the Commonwealth Honors College (CHC), supports students conducting innovative research. This grant will go towards the research of “Team Microbiome”, which is focused on developing a nisin-based alternative to current acne medications which works to treat…

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Adam Charest Successfully Defends Thesis

This fall, Adam Charest defended and passed his thesis for the Commonwealth Honors College, completing the requirements to graduate with honors, Charest will be moving on to complete his Masters’ degree at UMass Amherst. His thesis has become the manuscript for Team Gram Neg and is currently under revision. This thesis and manuscript demonstrates the…

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Continue reading Team SciComm Researcher Wins Grant

Team SciComm Researcher Wins Grant

Riley Lab researcher Merin Thomas received a $1,000 research grant for the Spring of 2024. The grant, provided by the Commonwealth Honors College (CHC), supports students conducting innovative research. Thomas’ grant will go towards the launch of “Team SciComm”, with a focus on developing multimedia tools to support bacteriocin education and outreach.

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