
Team Acne is focused on developing an alternative, bacteriocin based, acne treatment that targets the acne causing bacteria, but does not compromise the normal facial microflora. On this team they are wildly isolating Cutibacterium acnes strains and testing existing antibiotics treatments against the novel bacteriocin treatments. Another aspect of this team is to formulate a topical gel that can safely and effectively deliver the bacteriocin therapy to the site of acne vulgaris. This team tackles the challenges that are associated with working with anaerobic bacteria which is a new setting the Riley Lab has not previously explored in all aspects but is currently diving headfirst into the expansive realm of anaerobic bacteria. While the current focus is on developing a treatment to acne vulgaris with minimal impact on the facial microbiome, what is learned through current experimentation will lead to countless other projects.

  • Team Acne

Current Members

Ben VengalilElla Zhang Ianna Ssemugenze

Past Members

Adam CharestMerin ThomasAdam Yi

Morgan LanceKosi Chugbo-Junius ● Mei Edgerly


Publications and Presentations