Advisory (TEAM)

We had a fabulous week before vacation at the GHS science center so I thought I would post a few highlights.

First.. Advisory is Awesome!

I am always amazed at our “TEAM” experience.  Our last two meetings were just a few days apart before Winter Vacation.

Friday, we talked about the difference between culture, ethnicity and race… I had a difficult time being articulate.  We did agree that no one can be articulate 100% of the time but differentiating between culture and race sooo interesting. Then we met again on Wednesday; less than a week later.

Wednesday read a brief chapter in our “all school read” which led us into a discussion on family relations.  Sometimes we talked about whether or not family could be best friends.  From my perspective it was most interesting sharing our experiences with grandparents.  I hope to bring in a few grandparents, a few from distant lands, so they can share their worldly views and share what it is like to have a grandchild!!

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