- Code for the Z_KK to ZH decay analysis is on titan in /home/willocq/Snowmass2013/root/. Create a work directory named Z_KK and copy the contents of the original directory into it:
- cd
- mkdir -p root/Z_KK
- cd ~/root/Z_KK
- cp /home/willocq/Snowmass2013/root/*.C .
- Create a link to an include file required for compilation
- mkdir classes
- cd ~/root/Z_KK/classes
- ln -s /scratch/willocq/Snowmass2013/Delphes-3.0.9/classes/SortableObject.h
- Run the analysis code
- cd ~/root/Z_KK
- root -b -q runMyExample1.C
- A series of histograms is produced and stored in an output file with a name specified in runMyExample1.C, it’ll be of the form output_filename.root, where filename is the name of a given input file. The input files are stored inĀ /scratch/willocq/Snowmass2013/Delphes-3.0.9/.
- The histograms can be plotted with the help of the myPlots.C macro; for example start up root and give it the histogram file name as input, as follows
- root output_filename.root
- At the root prompt you can then execute the plotting macro, which actually runs a number of functions defined in myPlots.C
- .x runMyPlots.C