From titan, the following steps need to be done for every new terminal session:
- cd root/2013 (0r choose your main directory; all directories mentioned below are relative to this directory)
- source
Files needed for analysis:
- Directory ContactInteractionAnalysis contains the main analysis code class implemented in ContactInteractionAnalysis/Analyzer.cxx and ContactInteractionAnalysis/ContactInteractionAnalysis/Analysis.h.
- input.txt lists the input data sample for analysis.
- Input ntuple files can be listed at /titan_rw/atlas/common/D3PD/mc12_8TeV/slim_p1328 for Monte Carlo simulation and at /titan_rw/atlas/common/D3PD/data12_8TeV/slim_p1345 for real data.
To compile the code:
- cd ContactInteractionAnalysis/cmt
- make
To run the analysis:
- cd ContactInteractionAnalysis
- ./bin/runClassTest -f input.txt -o outputFile.root –isMC (for MC, note the double dash in front of isMC)
- ./bin/runClassTest -f input.txt -o outputFile.root (for data)
Relevant variables in ntuple files:
- mu_muid_pt muon transverse momentum
- mu_muid_eta muon pseudorapidity
- mu_muid_charge muon electric charge
- mu_muid_id_qoverp associated ID track q/p
- mu_muid_id_theta associated ID track polar angle
- mu_muid_id_phi associated ID tracks
- mu_muid_me_qoverp associated MS track q/p
- mu_muid_me_theta associated MS track polar angle
- mu_muid_me_phi associated MS tracks
Histograms to produce:
- mu_muid_pt
- for all muons in the event and those with opposite q/p for ID and MS tracks
- for all muons passing the selection criteria (goodSmearedMuons for MC) and those with opposite q/p for ID and MS tracks
- the goal is to plot the rate of charge flips between the ID and MS tracks as a function of muon pt for both data and MC simulation
- mu_muid_eta
- same categories as for pt listed above