ATLAS recipes

SHERPA on titan

Sherpa 2.1.1 is installed on titan. For information about Sherpa, see

Run instructions below are for the worker nodes (with SLC6 OS).

Define environment variables to point to the Sherpa and Root installation directories for convenience

  • export SHERPAROOT=/home/willocq/bin/sherpa/SHERPA-MC-2.1.1
  • export ROOTSYS=/home/willocq/root/root_v5.34.21/root

Add the location of the Sherpa and Root binaries to your PATH environment variable

  • export PATH=$SHERPAROOT/bin:$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH

Make sure that the Sherpa, Root and hepmc libraries can be found by adding them to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable

  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SHERPAROOT/lib/SHERPA-MC:/home/willocq/root/root_v5.34.21/root/lib:/home/willocq/bin/hepmc/x86_64-slc6-gcc45-opt/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

For a quicker setup of all the required environment variables do as follows:

  • source /home/willocq/bin/sherpa/

Copy a set of run cards to your own directory. For example use the dijet process by copying the following cards: $SHERPAROOT/Examples/Jets_at_HadronColliders/LHC_Jets_MEPS/Run.dat. This particular process takes several days to compute matrix elements though! So it may be better to try a different example like the one in $SHERPAROOT/Examples/Models/SM_ZPrime/, (the latter requires executing Sherpa then ./makelibs before running again with Sherpa)

To run, type

  • Sherpa

T0 specify the type of output, seeĀ Unfortunately, the software to produce Delphes output from Sherpa is incompatible with the latest Delphes releases (3.X.Y).

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