- On titan, copy the following file ~willocq/root/example/simple_plot_truth.C to your own subdirectory. After setting up root with localSetupROOT, the simple plotting macro can be run with
root simple_plot_truth.C
or you can just start root and at the root prompt type:
.x simple_plot_truth.C
- Once this is working, extend the macro to create additional canvases like c1 to plot the following variables stored in the truth ntuple file that is opened in the macro:
- jetAntiKt4TruthJets_pt transverse momentum of truth jets
- jetAntiKt4TruthJets_eta pseudorapidity of truth jets
- el_pt transverse momentum of truth electrons
- el_eta pseudorapidity of truth electrons
- mu_muid_pt transverse momentum of truth muons
- mu_muid_eta pseudorapidity of truth muons
- Do the above plots with a logarithmic vertical scale
- Produce a second set of those above plots with a minimum pt cut of 25000 MeV for jets and 5000 MeV for both electrons and muons, i.e. in the example there is a cut on the barcode, simply replace that with a cut on the variable mu_muid_pt>5000 for muons, and similarly for electrons and jets
- Produce a plot of the pseudorapidity of electrons and muons (separately) showing an overlay of negatively and postively charged particles (histograms with different colors).