ATLAS recipes

Drawing data/MC overlay plots

To make nice overlay plots comparing data and Monte Carlo distributions, you will need to copy the following files from /home/willocq/root/MuonESDAnalysis/:

  • plot_overlay.C
  • RescaleVariableBinHisto.C

Assuming you have a full complement of data and MC histograms, and have already executed, you should create a plots subdirectory and then produce the data/MC plots with:

  • root -q -b plot_overlay.C

To view the output plots in pdf, you can use the display command:

  • display filename.pdf
ATLAS recipes

Submitting muon analysis jobs to batch system on titan

To submit muonana jobs to the batch system on titan and combine the output histograms, the following files from /home/willocq/root/MuonESDAnalysis/ are needed:

  • batchrun_muonana.C

To submit batch jobs for real data type the first line for only data period J (as a test) or the second line for all data periods:

  • perl -s dataJ
  • perl -s alldata

To submit batch jobs for simulated Monte Carlo data, use:

  • perl -s allmc

To monitor the progress of your batch jobs type the first line to see all jobs or the second to see only your own jobs:

  • qstat
  • qstat -u $USER

Finally, the output histogram files can be merged with the hadd command by executing:

  • ./
ATLAS recipes

Muon ntuple analysis

On titan, copy the following files from ~willocq/root/MuonESDAnalysis/:

  • GoodRunSelector.h
  • GoodRunSelector.C
  • muonana.h
  • muonana.C
  • run_muonana.C

The analysis can be run with

  • root -q -b run_muonana.C

Output histograms are stored in the file histos.root.

A list of variables contained in the muon ntuple is available in the file MuonBranch.h, which includes a brief description of the meaning of each variable.


First search for contact interactions in the dimuon channel at the LHC

Graduate student Emily Thompson and Professor Stéphane Willocq performed the first search for contact interactions at the LHC in the dimuon channel using data collected with the ATLAS detector during the 2010 pp collision run. The results of this search have been published in the July 1st edition of Physical Review D Rapid Communications: Phys. Rev. D 84, 011101 (2011), arXiv:1104.4398 [hep-ex]. The limits placed on the compositeness scale Lambda are the most stringent to date.

Emily Thompson earned her PhD in June 2011 and is currently working as a postdoctoral research associate for Columbia University. She continues to work on ATLAS at CERN, focusing on boosted top quarks.