I’ve been lucky enough to have taught at CUNY and Smith, two places that are very committed to economic inequality. My dad and I just had an interesting conversation about Smith and a place called Berea College this weekend, and it didn’t take long for me to find a new piece from The Chronicle, via a Slate post called ‘What Would Smith Do?’:
Pell Grant recipients account for a quarter of the undergraduates at Florida State University and Smith College, for 35.2 percent at the University of California at Los Angeles, and for 77.4 percent at Berea College, which makes educating the neediest students its mission.
My dad brought me to Berea when I was a teenager, and I have wanted to return at some point. I think that nothing would make him happier for me to teach there. (There’s also a recent New York Times piece on the ‘Ivy League Letdown.’)