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Regeneron Science Research Competition

Sophia Fang has been named as one the 300 Scholars in the nation in the Regeneron Science Talent Search, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school senior, based on her independent research on mesenchymal stem cells in our lab. Congratulations!

Sophia has been accepted by MIT in the early action round. Best wishes for her future undergraduate studies.

Grant Support

LMBM received an NSF award (see UMass MIE news and UMass News) to support our study in mechanical regulation of neural induction.

Earlier this year, LMBM received an internal award from IALS M2M to support our collaborative research with Prof. Mingxu You from Department of Chemistry. Prof. Sun also received a Flex Grants for Teaching/Faculty Development from TEFD to support his graduate course Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics.




IEEE NEMS 2017 in LA is a success. Prof. Sun organized an invited session ‘Micro/nanosystems Mechanobiology’ and gave an invited talk. Thanks to the conference organizers and all the invited speakers!