The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Operating System

3D Printing Basics

In primitive forms, 3D printing has actually been around since the early 1980s, but has only recently been a viable option for the average consumer. 3D printing works by extruding a small amount of melted plastic material from a printing head, effectively “drawing” a layer of material in the shape of a part. The printing head will sketch out multiple thin layers of plastic, moving up one vertical step after each layer is printed. This can be used to create complex geometry that is not possible to make using milling, casting, and other traditional manufacturing processes.

Security Virus/Malware

Avoid Adware to Keep Browsers Running Like New

As a Help Center Consultant, I have seen countless computers come into our office with persistent advertisements, unintentional redirects, and other annoyances within web browsers. In addition to being an annoyance, the software that is generating these ads can also be harmful to your computer, and is often prohibitive when attempting to access websites. These symptoms are caused by software known as “adware”.

This is a browser infected with adware, notice the toolbars and homepage ads.
This is a browser infected with adware, notice the toolbars and homepage ads.