A quick update: sumac berries in ice

So you can easily add sumac berries to sumac tea in an ice cube tray to freeze. Serving the strained beverage over these fuzzy berry studded ice cubes is one good way to keep the berries from interfering with your drinking pleasure, but instead to enhance your enjoyment. Being able to gaze at the berries adds that satisfying visual interest to the drink. But do finish your drink before the cubes begin to melt too much.

Iced sumac

Behold: a cool sumac tea

Well, on a cloudy day, you will want to resort to brewing the staghorn sumac berries with the heated water method, as described in the previous post. The sun tea approach will work on a better chosen day. Because the staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) is in the cashew family (Anacardiaceae), you may want to take precautions before sampling this if you have any allergies to nuts, especially cashews. You can rub a red berry on the back of your hand; check to see if you have any skin irritation the next day. If you have no allergies, you can try this beverage. Without any sweetener added, this drink makes a tart, yet subtle, and refreshingly clean impression. The enchanting pale pink color suggests its subtlety. If you need sweetener, you could add a few drops of honey. Technically, this drink would be a classified as a tisane rather than an actual tea, but that will be the subject of another blog.
A drink from staghorn sumac berries

Can you make sun tea with sumac on a partly cloudy day?

Today I am starting an experiment with staghorn sumac. You can identify this type of sumac by both its fuzzy, red stangs of berries and its statuesque, velvet branches that resemble deer antlers. My colleagues in arborculture tell me you can make an interesting lemony drink from these berries, as the Native Americans used to do. At this time of the year the berries are very tender. I have harvested two clusters, or drupes, as they are known, for my little home experiment. The berries from one drupe are going into a pitcher of cool water, to be covered, and placed in the sun. In a teapot of almost boiling water, I will add the berries from the other drupe. I thought it was going to be much sunnier today than it is turning out to be. We shall see what the results yield.

"beginning to make a pitcher of sumac tea"

Tender staghorn sumac berries freshly added to water