Training – TABE 11/12

TABE 11/12


The Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Forms 11/12 administration and scoring training is self-paced and available 24/7. During this training you will learn how to administer and score levels E, M, D, and A of the TABE Forms 11/12.  The TABE Forms 11/12 Administration and scoring training is designed for practitioners from ACLS-funded programs who require training to accurately administer and score the TABE 11/12 assessment. 

You must complete the Assessment Basics Webinar before starting the TABE 11/12 Administration and scoring training.

This six-module online training takes approximately one hour to complete and replaces the previous face-to-face version of this training. For each module, you will read some information relating to one aspect of the TABE 11/12 administration and scoring procedures, then answer a few questions. The six modules are as follows:

  • Module 1: Overview of the TABE system
  • Module 2: What to Do Before Administering the TABE 11/12
  • Module 3: Administering the Paper-Based Locator Test for First-Time Test Takers
  • Module 4: Administering the Paper-Based TABE 11/12 Subtests
  • Module 5: Scoring Paper-Based TABE 11/12 Subtests
  • Module 6: Administering the TABE 11/12 Online

When you have completed all modules, you will be certified to administer and score the TABE 11/12, and a confirmation page will load. You will also receive an email confirmation that you have completed the training, which you can keep for your records and forward to your program director as needed.

Learning Objectives

During the TABE 11/12 Administration and Scoring Training you will learn; the purpose and components of the TABE 11/12, how to administer, score and interpret the TABE Locator to determine the appropriate starting level for a learner, as well as how to administer, score, and interpret results from the TABE 11/12.

To become certified to administer and score the TABE Forms 11/12, visit this link:

For technical support, contact the University of Massachusetts Center for Educational Assessment at