Study Questions for Kant, Hegel, and Eze

  1. (a) Why does Kant think that there are four human “races” and which are they? (Kant, pp. 40-41) (b) What does he think causes racial variations in humans? (Kant, pp. 43-45)
  2. Which were the two ways in which one could study the nature of “man,” according to Kant? (Eze, p. 105)
  3. (a) What, according to Kant, makes us humans and persons? (Eze, pp. 106-107) (b) Why did he think that human nature is in essence a moral nature? (Eze, p. 112) (c) Why did he think that civilization marks man’s essential nature? (Eze, p. 113)
  4. (a) Why did Kant think that the supposed innate psychological differences between human “races” are essentially moral differences? (Eze, pp. 115-116) (b) And why did he think that black people lack “true” character? (Eze, p. 116)
  5. What does Hegel mean by the sentence, “The stage of self-consciousness which the spirit has reached manifests itself in world history as the existing national spirit, as a nation which exists in the present…”? (Hegel, p. 110)
  6. (a) What is the connection between nature and human freedom and development, according to Hegel? (Hegel, p. 111) (b) What does he mean by the claim that, “The torrid and frigid regions, as such, are not the theatre on which world history is enacted. In this respect, such extremes are incompatible with spiritual freedom”? (Hegel, p. 112) (c) How does he characterize the spiritual character of the three continents Africa, Europe and Asia? (Hegel, p. 122) (d) And how does Hegel characterize Africans and their relation to history, morality and slavery (Hegel, pp. 127-128, 133-135).

    KANT Kant HEGEL  EZE  Emmanuel Chukwudi EzeFYI, see (QuickTime)

2 thoughts on “Study Questions for Kant, Hegel, and Eze

  1. Jennifer

    I’m a little confused. There are questions for a reading on Hegel but no mention or links for Hegel on the syllabus or in the reading and assignments section?

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