First Chapter Meeting + OSHA Kickstarter 2/7

- First meeting of 2024 was held in Olver Design Building
- Officers introduced themselves to attendees and shared exciting plans for the semester and club membership information. There was time to socialize and enjoy some fabulous snacks!
- We also allowed our community to sign up for OSHA-10 Training at a discounted price!
Computer Science Building Tour 2/21

- So much construction on campus! This time we visited the site of the new Computer Science Lab.
- Two tours, one early morning and in the afternoon, allowed us to pear at the plans and seek answers on this project happening right on our campus.
DIY Night – Popsicle Stick Bridges 3/6

- Our first ever Popsicle Bridge Building Competition was a collaboration with ASCE!
- Our bridges were stronger than we had anticipated so a huge shout out to Dr. Peggie Clouston for allowing us to test the remaining bridges with the compression tester in the BCT wood shop!
- Winner in record was our VP Tom, but we gladly honored our members the winning gift ($50 Amazon giftcard) to student Lucas Oles!
AGC 2024 National Conference March Spring Break

- During our spring break, a few representatives from our chapter attended the 2024 AGC National Convention in San Diego, CA
- We were able to reconnect and meet some great folks from other student chapters and learn about their club management through the student chapter meeting. Read more here.
Project Management Workshop 4/1

- Recurring guest speaker Kyle Murphy started out by tell his journey graduating from UMass and about his company.
- Attendees got a grasp of project management in a nutshell and completed a worksheet to apply their knowledge.
Northampton Wastewater Treatment Plant Site Tour 4/17

- On an early morning in April, we took a bus to the Northampton WWTP. The tour was led by Woodard & Curran engineers and the head operator of the facility, Ray. We learned about the plant and its operations. The next phase of construction was set to happen soon and we got a taste of what’s to come.
Club Hike: Mount Sugarloaf 5/3

- Our year can’t be complete without a club hike! We went up our local Mt. Sugarloaf and enjoyed the scenic views of Spring into Summer.
Field Day 5/7

- Now an annual tradition, was our third Field Day! We teamed up with other student orgs to destress before finals with an inflatable obstacle course.
- We enjoyed some field games, cookies and clementines, and some friendly races.
- Our bracket competition allowed fierce competition for a UMass apparel gift card. Winner was Xander Miller!
Thank you to our graduating officers Oliver and Max!

Max and Oliver have made sincere and tremendous contributions to our student chapter. We cannot express how much of their hardwork and dedication to planning events and improving the club have resulted in its growth and success. Thank you Max and Oliver and we wish you the best in all your future endeavors!