submitted. “Reduction Domains between feet and syllables: evidence from Dutch.”
submitted. with Joe Pater. “Learning opacity in Stratal Maximum Entropy grammar.”
2014. “A radically emergentist approach to phonological features: implications for grammars.” Nordlyd, 41:1, 21-58. [link]
2012. “Phonological Opacity as Differential Classification of Sound Events.” Manuscript (draft), University of Massachusetts Amherst. [pdf]
Handouts, slides, posters
2016. “Ambiguity of analysis: Inducing indexed constraints for Dutch stress.” Poster given at the LSA 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Jan 9 2016. [pdf]
2015. “Learning as a window into the role of Faithfulness in stress systems.” Slides from talk given at the 23rd Manchester Phonology Meeting, University of Manchester, May 28 2015. [pdf]
2014. “Reduction Domains in Dutch: In between feet and syllables.” Slides from talk given at the 2014 Meeting on Phonology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 19 2014. [pdf]
2013. “Investigating Phonological Abstraction through Feature Induction.” Slides from talk given at “Features in Phonology, Morphology, Syntax: What are they?”, Universitetet i Tromsø, Oct 31-Nov 1 2013. [pdf]
2013. “Phonological Opacity as Differential Classification of Sound Events.” Handout for talk given on 1.10.2013 at the University of Amsterdam. [pdf]