Blogging returns after a 3 month hiatus with a brief account of what happens to cell walls when cells are ground up.
Tobias Baskin's sort-of real time science blog
Blogging returns after a 3 month hiatus with a brief account of what happens to cell walls when cells are ground up.
This week, I have been measuring. This sounds as though I have been holding up a ruler to measure how high my plants have grown, or perhaps putting a dozen leaves on a balance. But no, I am using a computer to measure features of images I captured during the summer at MBL. This measuring […]
In which I describe experiments that produced cells looking rather like a Kandinsky print. Is this an Art-ifact?
In which I regale the reader with tales of the diSPIM
Lots of careful measurement reveals a couple of … factlets.
Will you, won’t you? Will you, won’t you? Join the retar-dance???
Containing the first measurements made with polarized fluoresence. Still 2-D but testing the rudiments of the system.
The case of the callow calibration solved!
A short and maybe sweet account of further doings at MBL
Posting, at last (!) after a few weeks because I wearied of writing about impediments to lab-work. But this past week, I lab-worked. On Monday, I set up maize seed for germination, in the handy rig with the hands. On Tuesday, I made two agar plates, one control and one containing 300 nM oryzalin, and […]