The pinhole test

Pinholes and pinheads! Before getting to the latest installment of the Calibration Campaign, I want to remind everyone that I welcome questions and comments (unless you are a troll!). Happy to answer. Also do hit the subscribe button so you never miss a post; and please tell your friends!  With that, on to the latest. […]

And then there was biology

Last week, I wrote about my misgivings over the 5 degrees of separation (actually, of misalignment) between the rotatable polarizer’s positioning on the microscope stage and the polarization of the microscope’s laser. In discussing with Rudolf Oldenbourg (MBL), I learned that the misalignment does not matter. What does matter is that the peaks and valleys […]

Five degrees of separation

Last week, I carried on the quest for calibration. Avalon remains stubbornly out of reach. I tried things I mentioned last week and a new thing besides. The liquid crystal device seems undamaged. To have a look, I improvised a light-table next to the confocal microscope. I put a flashlight inside a jar (otherwise used […]

Calibration continuation

Last week, I had three sessions on the confocal to work on calibration. My calibration went from steaming garbage to cold leftover pizza (Fig. 1). Better, but not yet appetizing.  What you are looking at in Figure 1 is the field of view that the microscope camera and I see during calibration. As I explained last […]

Calibration consternation

I can think of stronger words: mutilation? defenestration? OK, OK. I was not injured let alone thrown out of a window.  This past week, for the first time, I tried to calibrate the system. What system? The one I brought here to observe and quantify polarized fluorescence on a confocal microscope. The heart of the […]

Two photons better than one

Hi Lab Fab fans. UMass changed blogging platforms which forced me to take a few weeks off while they retooled. Things seem ok now (?). The following post was written for Jan 14th but still holds. By the way if you like Lab Fab, consider subscribing to never miss a post. Its free! Scroll down below the socks […]