
The complete Syllabus may be downloaded here: 
Complete Syllabus_BCT_597F-2018

Professor:  Dr. Peggi Clouston, Design Building Room 316,
Credits: 1
Place & Time: Design Building, Rooms 120 & 162, Mondays (& some Wednesdays) 11:15-12:05
Course Website:

Course Description
The Wood Design Studio is an active-learning course that empowers students to design, build, and physically test their own ideas to solve construction related building problems. The course follows an inquiry-based learning format where students explore questions, develop and research hypotheses, reflect on their own learning and gain a deeper understanding of course concepts to become better critical thinkers.  Each week, students will be presented with a topic, problem, or question as a stimulus for learning and thinking. Classes will entail some instruction but will depend largely on student participation; specifically, completing reading assignments prior to each class, planning for class activities, making and breaking structures during class time, recording and reporting results, and reflecting upon the results. Grades will be based on class participation and weekly reports.

Course topics include fundamental engineering concepts such as: composite action, moment connections, joist stress, and compression arches. While learning about exciting and new composite materials (like laminated veneer bamboo and Cross Laminated Timber), this course is a great resume builder and a fun introduction to materials research and technical communication. The intent of the course is to develop learners who will become the next generation of innovators.

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will:
– be familiar with structural failure behavior of wood and wood composites
– understand fundamental engineering concepts like composite action and internal beam stress
– possess questioning and critical problem-solving skills
– work productively in teams
– have a foundation of basic approaches for performing scientific materials research

Course Components

  • Monday meetings: Class will meet for 50 minute sessions on Mondays for students to work through the week’s assignment. Attendance to Monday class is mandatory.
  • Wednesday meetings: On some weeks, class will meet again on Wednesday – for example, when structural tests are conducted. These Wednesday sessions are optional, but participation is highly encouraged.
  • Reflection sheets: Each week, students will be asked to complete and submit a self-reflection sheet which is critical to learning.  The ‘best’ reflection sheet for each week will be posted on the course website serving as a desirable model to follow.

Grading and Evaluation
Attendance to Monday’s sessions: 40%
10 reflection sheets: 60% (or 7 reflection sheets: 40% + Term Project: 20%)

 Attendance and Absences
Students are expected to attend and participate in class.  Absences will be recorded.  Unavoidable absences should be discussed directly with the Professor prior to class.  Students are responsible for obtaining missed course material and should first attempt to copy another student’s notes before contacting the Professor.  If you must miss an assignment due to extenuating personal circumstances (per university-accepted reasons), contact the Professor before the event , if possible, to arrange for a solution.  Students must arrive to class on time.

Reading Assignments
Articles and sections of chapters from selected works will be posted on the course website. There is no required textbook for this course.

Grievance Procedure
If you have an academic grievance, you may dispute it by submitting a written explanation together with the material in question to the Professor within two weeks of the occurrence of the grievance.  If an agreeable solution can not be found, the University Grievance Procedure will be followed (found in the Undergraduate Rights and Responsibilities (at

Special Needs
All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the individual needs of the student. If you have a learning disability or need special accommodation please make an appointment with the Professor to discuss your needs. All discussions will be kept strictly confidential.