News and Media

Spring 2023: Congratulations to two outstanding undergraduate scientists, Taylor Morrow and Ifeoma Onyenwe, as the 2023 recipients of the 2nd annual BRiDGE2Education scholarship! We are proud of you.

April 2022: Congratulations to two outstanding undergraduate scientists, Oliver C. Arukwe and Temsalet Molla, as the 2022 recipients of the BRiDGE to Education Award! In 2021, BRiDGE UMass received a honorarium for hosting a workshop and collectively made the decision to pass on the funds to dedicated undergraduate scholars pursuing a more compassionate and equitable future through their scientific accomplishments.

April 2021: BRiDGE organized and led a workshop at Boston University, titled “Redesigning Seminar Series to Address Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”

Spring 2021: BRiDGE celebrated its campus expansion and incredible student organizing by hosting 10 BRiDGE scholars this semester. See the Spring 2021 BRiDGE Poster for more information.

November 2020: Mariela Garcia Arredondo presented about BRiDGE at the “Diversity in Our Sciences: Stories of Success and Strategies for the Future” session at the 2020 Agronomy/Crop/Soils meeting. Cam Anderson presented a poster about BRiDGE at this conference as well. See the poster here.

October 2020: BRiDGE organizers hosted a BRiDGE Information Panel and discussion about our mission and how to get involved. A recording of the panel is available here.

July 2020: BRiDGE co-founder Nigel Golden gave the 2020 Ambrose Jearld Lecture  on Diversity and Inclusion at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. His talk was titled: “Reducing Harm: A Politic to Address Institutional and Cultural Practices that Reduce Participation and Retention in STEM”

July 2020: The BRiDGE Coordination Committee was awarded a UMass CNS Outstanding Achievement Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion

April 2020: BRiDGE featured in AGU’s Eos magazine What’s in a Seminar? Authored by Benjamin Keisling, Raquel Bryant, Nadia Fernandez, Mariela Garcia Arredondo, and Nigel Golden

February 2020: Listen to the BRiDGE steering committee discuss their motivations and experiences with BRiDGE on the PhD Trekkers podcast.

December 2019: Mariela Garcia Arredondo presented a poster about BRiDGE at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference in San Francisco, CA. AGU abstract: BRiDGE: Enhancing lecture series with broader impacts and mentoring opportunities

December 2018: Nigel Golden presented about BRiDGE at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference in Washington, D.C. AGU abstract: Graduate student driven efforts to increase diversity of department lecture series

November 2018: Raquel Bryant presented a poster about BRiDGE at the Geological Society of America (GSA) conference in Indianapolis, IA. GSA abstract: BRiDGE: A graduate student-led effort to increase the diversity of speakers invited to campus

November 2018: BRiDGE featured in UMass CNS article ‘Pushing the conversation forward’

December 2017: Raquel Bryant and Benjamin Keisling presented a talk about BRiDGE at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference in New Orleans, LA. AGU abstract: Graduate student driven efforts to increase diversity of department lecture series