Dr. Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi
Associate Professor, Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University

Dr. Sa-kiera T.J. Hudson
Postdoctoral Associate in the Social Perception and Communications Lab, Yale University

Dr. Samantha Lewis
Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, UC Berkeley

Dr. Chantell Evans
Postdoctoral researcher at University of Pennsylvania, HHMI Hanna Gray Fellow, @channyskye

Dr. Kelsey Leonard
Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo, @KelseyTLeonard

Dr. Aman Husbands
Assistant Professor, Ohio State University, @AmanHusbands

Dr. Ash Zemenick
Postdoctoral researcher, Auburn University and Michigan State University, @mtn_ash

Dr. Efra Rivera-Serrano
Molecular Virologist & Science Communicator, @nakedcapsid

Dr. Adrienne Aiken Morgan
Assistant Professor, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, @DrAAMorgan

Dr. Samuel Ramsey
Director of the Ramsey Research Foundation, Postdoctoral Scholar with the USDA, @drsammytweets

Dr. Sylvia Perry
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, @sylviapperry

Dr. Samniqueka Halsey
Assistant Professor in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri, @Samniqueka_H

Dr. Fantasy Lozada
Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
BRiDGE2Impacts Reflection: Being a Research Partner in Community Change

Dr. Martín Medina-Elizalde
Associate Professor, Auburn University

Dr. Belem G. López
Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin
BRiDGE2Impacts reflection: Supporting Students of Color in Cognitive and Psychological Science

Dr. Kat Milligan-Myhre
Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage

Dr. Christine Sprunger
Assistant Professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State University
BRiDGE2Impacts reflection: Embracing difficult conversations: The necessary path to diversifying soil science

Dr. Rebecca Hernandez
Assistant Professor, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, UC Davis

Dr. Richard Prather
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development & Quantitative Methodology, University of Maryland
BRiDGE2Impacts reflection: How I learned to put cognition in context

Dr. Paula Welander
Assistant Professor, Stanford University
BRiDGE2Impacts reflection: Recognize your privilege…and use it!

Dr. Roby Douilly
Assistant Professor, UC Riverside
BRiDGE2Impacts Reflection: After Tragedy Strikes, Science Can Help Secure a Safer Future

Dr. Samantha Ying
Assistant Professor, UC Riverside
BRiDGE2Impacts reflection: When I Grow Up…An Unexpected Path Into Science, Academia, and Single Parenting

Dr. Nyeema Harris
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
BRiDGE2Impacts reflection: The Shuri Effect: Redefining Impact in Academia

Dr. Andrew Greenlee
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
BRiDGE2Impacts reflection: Do you know what a bedbug looks like?

Dr. Rosimar Rios-Berrios
Atmospheric Scientist at NCAR