
A couple months ago I reluctantly opened a Twitter account, having been told that Twitter is a great tool for professional development. I was skeptical, though willing to give it a try. Not sure how to start wielding this new tool, I decided to follow a few science education groups such as NSTA  and Edutopia. Shortly there after, Twitter suggested some like-minded people to follow. I selected a few chemistry teachers that sounded pretty passionate about developing as science educators. I now see how easy it is to become connected with many chemistry teachers across the globe. Of course I will have to pace myself here, but I want to share a link to a talk I listened to today by a veteran chemistry teacher who makes some great points about strategies to help one grow as a teacher. One of Jenelle Ball’s points mantras is “It’s not a class. It’s an experience.” Have a listen at the link below.

Advice for chemistry teachers

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