
(In review or preparation)

i. Griswold, F., Woodruff, J., Yellen, B., Matos-Llavona, P. Human and hurricane impacts to mangroves modulate lagoonal overwash. Submitted to Estuaries and Coasts, Jan 2024.

ii. Turek, B., Yellen, B., Yu, Q., Teng, W., Woodruff, J.W. Lidar-based geomorphic mapping of blue carbon. Submitted to JGR Biogeosciences Feb 2024.

iii. Teng, W., Yu, Q., Yellen, B., Turek, B., Woodruff, J.W. A spectral remote sensing-based method to assess Blue Carbon Inventories in Tidal Marsh Sediments. In preparation for submission to Remote Sensing of the Environment, spring 2024.

iv. Yellen, B., Teng, B., Yu, Q., Woodruff, J.W., Turek, B., Richardson, J.B. A regional scale assessment of blue carbon inventories for the Northeast US. In preparation for submission to JGR Earth Surface spring 2024.

v. Woodruff, J., Yellen, B., Cook, T., Griswold, F., Baranes, H., Autery, M., Hansen, O. Sediment delivery to New England salt marshes and resulting controls on future resilience. For submission to Estuaries and Coasts, spring 2024.

vi. Cook, T., Autery, M., Woodruff, J., Yellen, B., Ganju, N. Tidal wetland accretion and elevation change along the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States. For submission to Estuaries and Coasts spring 2024.


1. Williams, R., Burns, S., Scroxton, N., Godfrey, L., Tiger, B., Yellen, B., Dawson, R., Faina, P., McGee, D., Ranivoharimanana, L. (In Press). Speleothem record of hydro climate variability in northwestern Madagascar during the mid-late Holocene. The Holocene.

2. Butler, M.J.*, Yellen, B., Oyewumi, O., Ouimet, W. and Richardson, J.B., (2023). Accumulation and transport of nutrient and pollutant elements in riparian soils, sediments, and river waters across the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut, USA. Science of The Total Environment, 899, p.165630. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165630

3. Yellen, B., Woodruff, J.D., Baranes, H.E., Engelhart, S.E., Geyer, W.R., Randall, N.* and Griswold, F. (2023). Salt Marsh Response to Inlet Switch?Induced Increases in Tidal Inundation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128 (1), p.e2022JF006815.

4. Baranes, H.E., Woodruff, J.D., Geyer, W.R., Yellen, B.C. and Richardson, J.B. (2022). Sources, Mechanisms, and Timescales of Sediment Delivery to a New England Salt Marsh. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, p.e2021JF006478.

5. McKeon, K., Woodruff, J.D., Yellen, B., Fernald, S.H. and Sheehan, M.C., (2022). Invasive water chestnut hinders tidal wetland development. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47(6), pp.1409-1424. doi: 10.1002/esp.5323

6. Marks, C.O., Yellen, B., Nislow, K.H. (2021). Species distributions on successional and flooding gradients in Connecticut River floodplain forests. Northeastern Naturalist, 28(4), pp.577-602.

7. Yellen, B+., Ralston, D., Woodruff, J. (2021). Watershed sediment supply and potential impacts of dam removals for an estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 44, 1195–1215. doi: 10.1002/esp.5045.

8. Yellen, B., Woodruff, J.D., Ralston, D., Ladlow, C., Fernald, S., Lau, W.* (2020). Rapid Tidal Marsh Development in Anthropogenic Backwaters. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(3), pp.554-572. doi: 10.1002/esp.5045.

9. Ralston, D.K., Yellen, B., Woodruff, J.D., Fernald, S. (2020). Turbidity hysteresis in an estuary and tidal river following an extreme discharge event. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2020GL088005

10. Marks, C.O., Yellen, B., Nislow, K. (2020). Variation in tree growth along soil formation and microtopographic gradients in riparian forests. Wetlands 5,

11. Dow, S.*, Snyder, N.P., Ouimet, W.B., Martini, A.M., Yellen, B., Woodruff, J.D., Newton, R.M., Merritts, D.J. and Walter, R.C. (2020). Estimating the timescale of fluvial response to anthropogenic disturbance using two generations of dams on the South River, Massachusetts, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(10), pp.2380-2393,

12. Ahn, K.H., Yellen, B., Steinschneider, S. (2017). Dynamic Linear Models to Explore Time-Varying Suspended Sediment-Discharge Rating Curves. Water Resources Research, 53(5). DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020381.

13. Yellen, B., Woodruff, J.D., Ralston, D.K., MacDonald, D.G. and Jones, D.S. (2017). Salt wedge dynamics lead to enhanced sediment trapping within side embayments in high?energy estuaries. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122(3), pp.2226-2242. DOI: 10.1002/2016JC012595

14. Yellen, B., Woodruff, J., Cook, T., Newton, R. (2015). Historically unprecedented erosion from Tropical Storm Irene due to high antecedent precipitation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3896.

15. Cook, T. L., Yellen, B. C., Woodruff, J. D., & Miller, D. (2015). Contrasting human versus climatic impacts on erosion. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(16), 6680-6687. DOI: 10.1002/2015GL064436

16. Yellen, B., & Boutt, D. F. (2015). Hydropeaking induces losses from a river reach: observations at multiple spatial scales. Hydrological Processes, 29(15), 3261-3275. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10438

17. Yellen, B., Woodruff, J. D., Kratz, L. N., Mabee, S. B., Morrison, J., & Martini, A. M. (2014). Source, conveyance and fate of suspended sediments following Hurricane Irene. New England, USA. Geomorphology, 226, 124-134. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.07.028

*Undergraduate student author
+Listed as co-first author