Tung in CICS Thurs. 3/12 11:45am-1:00pm

Thursday, March 12, 2020 – 11:45 to 13:00 Hsiao-Yu (Fish) Tung (Carnegie Mellon): Embodied Visual Recognition

Abstract: Current state-of-the-art CNNs can localize and name objects in internet photos, yet, they miss the basic knowledge that a two-year-old toddler has possessed: objects persist over time despite changes in the camera view, they have 3D extent, they do not 3D intersect, and so on. In this talk, I will introduce neural architectures that learn to parse video streams of a static scene into world-centric 3D feature maps by disentangling camera motion from scene appearance. I will show the proposed architectures learn object permanence, can generate RGB views from novel viewpoints in truly novel scenes, can infer affordability in sentences by grounding language in 3D visual simulations, and can learn intuitive physics in a persistent 3D feature space. Our experiments suggest that the proposed architecture is essential to generalize across objects and locations, and it overcomes many limitations of 2D CNNs.

Bio: I received my M.S. in CMU MLD and my B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2013. During my master, I worked with Professor Alex Smola on spectral method for Bayesian models and had succefully designed efficient and provable algorithms for topic modeling. In my undergraduate, I was one of the member in team “Algorithm @ National Taiwan University” led by Professor Chih-Jen Lin ‘s and we won the KDD CUP 2013 Championship on both Track1 and Track2.


This semester of the UMass Machine Learning and Friends Lunch (MLFL) series has been graciously sponsored by our friends at Oracle Labs.

MLFL is a lively and interactive forum held weekly where friends of the UMass Amherst machine learning community can sit down, have lunch, and give or hear a 50-minute presentation on recent machine learning research.

What is it?   A gathering of students/faculty/staff with broad interest in the methods and applications of machine learning.
When is it?    Thursdays 12:00pm to 1:00pm, unless otherwise noted. Arrive at 11:45 to get pizza.
Where is it?    CS150
Who is invited?   Everyone is welcome.
Is there food?    Yes! Pizza is provided.
Can I present?    Yes! If you would like to present your research, please email one of the organizers: Ari Kobren, Rajarshi Das, Hang Su, Samer Nashed and Aruni Roy Chowdhury