Shravan Vasishth (Potsdom) will give a colloquium talk in linguistics on 9/25 at 3:30. Below is the abstract and zoom information.
———— Abstract————
Twenty years of retrieval models
Shravan Vasishth (
After Newell wrote his 1973 article, “You can’t play twenty questions
with nature and win”, several important cognitive architectures
emerged for modeling human cognitive processes across a wide range of
phenomena. One of these, ACT-R, has played an important role in the
study of memory processes in sentence processing. In this talk, I
will talk about some important lessons I have learnt over the last 20
years while trying to evaluate ACT-R based computational models of
sentence comprehension. In this connection, I will present some new
results from a recent set of sentence processing studies on Eastern
Shravan Vasishth and Felix Engelmann. Sentence comprehension as a
cognitive process: A computational approach. 2021. Cambridge
University Press.
———-Zoom Invitation—————
Sep 25, 2020 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting: