This page contains resources prepared by Kathleen Shea from Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech.

These materials were reviewed and/or developed as part of National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant CBET #1452613 (P.I. C.Butler, University of Massachusetts, Amherst) to help present STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Curriculum with emphasis on Environmental Science and Engineering themes to Auditory/Oral hearing impaired students on a fifth grade level.

Many of these materials and strategies can also be tailored to be used with other students with language challenges and with students on a variety of grade levels.  A concerted effort was made to find the natural connections among the  state(Massachusetts) and national (Next Generation Science Standards) fifth grade curriculum standards, engineering and environmental science.   In the process of using these materials,  the students in a class at the Clarke Schools were also “ introduced”  to deaf scientists and engineers past and present to help spark their interest in STEM  and open them up to future possibilities particularly in the science and engineering fields.

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