

Students are expected to complete three courses among the following options. Students are recommended to take Introduction to Disability Studies (PSYCH 256) before or concurrent with other courses. DDHS students receive priority enrollment in most, but not all, courses. If you have already taken one of these courses prior to enrolling in the DDHS program, you can still count the course toward the DDHS requirements. 

Foundation Course

All new students starting Fall 2025 or later are expected to take this foundations course before pursuing upper level DDHS courses (with the exception of EDUC 325).

  • Introduction to Disability Studies (PSYCH 256) fall and spring

Seminars (<25 students)

These courses are capped at 25 students and are primarily discussion based. Not all of these seminars are offered on a regular basis. 

  • Disability Identity: Intersections of Race, Gender and Sexuality (PSYCH 391DG)
  • Impact of Disabilities on Families (PSYCH 481/595F)
  • Intellectual Disability: Concepts and Controversies (PSYCH 480)
  • International Disability Policy (PSYCH 391DR)
  • Disability and Health Care (PSYCH 391DC)
  • Teaching Disability (PSYCH 391TE)

Larger courses

Enrollment in these courses ranges from 30 to 150 students. These classes are primarily lecture-based, but may also involve some discussion and activities. 

  • Autism (PSYCH 387) fall
  • Disability and Development (PSYCH 356) 
  • Introduction to Disability Studies (PSYCH 256) fall and spring
  • Introduction to Special Education (EDUC 325) fall and spring

Online courses (University+)

These courses are typically only offered as online, asynchronous courses through University+ for an additional fee.

  • Forensic Psychology and Disability (PSYCH 395F)
  • Autism, Neurodiversity, and Identity (PSYCH 395N)
  • Disability Advocacy and its History (PSYCH 327)
  • Introduction to Early Intervention (PSYCH 395E)
  • Creative Expression and Play (PSYCH 395C)

Experiential courses

Visit the service learning page for information on courses with an experiential component. These courses do not count toward the minimum set of three for the specialization, but the experiential hours completed within those courses do count toward the experience requirement. 

Registering for Courses

DDHS students should register for all courses through Spire. Students outside DDHS can request registration in courses with priority registration for DDHS students using the link of the DDHS homepage. Registration for those courses will open to non-DDHS students after one month of registration.

These classes fill up very quickly, so sign up as soon as possible. Students are not guaranteed registration in the courses in any given semester, but all students admitted to DDHS are expected to be able to complete the courses before they graduate. Do NOT wait until your last semester at UMass to register for all required courses! 


Can these courses apply to a major in Psychology?

Yes. Several courses count toward the seminar/small course requirement and others count toward the elective requirement. There is no limit to the number of courses you can apply to the DDHS letter of specialization and the Psychology major. Click here for additional information on how to meet Psychology requirements with DDHS courses.

Can these courses apply toward a minor in Psychology?

Yes. All of the PSYCH courses for the DDHS program count toward the minor (e.g., PSYCH 391DR, 480, 481, 387, 490P, 581). There is no limit to the number of courses you can apply to the DDHS letter of specialization and the Psychology minor. Internship credits do not count toward the minor. Click here for more information about declaring the minor.

When can I take these classes?

You can take these classes at any point, but you may find it difficult to get into the classes as freshmen or sophomores based on Spire registration seniority.

Which course should I take first?

It’s recommended that you take the PSYCH 480/391DR requirement first, or at least at the same time, as the other courses.

How many courses can I take at the same time?

There is no official limit to the number of courses you can take in the same semester, but it’s generally advised not to take all of them at the same time. Many students take two of the courses at the same time without a problem.

Do I have to take courses before the internship?

Unless you have a lot of prior experience working with people with disabilities, it’s recommended that you take at least one of the DDHS courses (usually PSYCH 480 or 391DR) before your internship.

How will I know if I am added from the waitlist?

If you are in the DDHS program, you can add yourself to the waitlist on Spire to get added to the course automatically when a spot opens. If there is no room left on that waitlist, you can add your name to the waitlist linked to the home page. You will be notified by email if you are added to a course from that waitlist.

When will the courses be offered?

Scheduling is not always up to the discretion of the DDHS program director or instructor. Information on course offerings is posted to the DDHS website when this information becomes available.

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