A Little Social Justice Education

In my Geometry class we are deviating from our normal Geometry studies to learn about statistical representations.  I chose to use real world data from the US Census Bureau to investigate the wage gap in America.  I had the students break up into pairs to compare/contrast the data distributions of the median income of Americans based on Race or Gender.  I’ve included a link to the assignment at the bottom of this post.  Hopefully, we will get to have some interesting conversations based on the students results.  I had them exclude Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. from their projects due to that they were large outliers in the data set.  This should be part of the conversation and was used in our pre-project discussion.


Wage Gap Project Description and Data

Free Online Textbooks

I was recently working with my students on matrices and basic row operations. It dawned on me it has been quite a while since I’ve done anything with Linear Algebra outside of basic row operations. After a little searching I found a few sites offering free textbooks. I picked out a book from a site called Book Boon. They offer a enough titles to keep me going for quite a while. I’m currently halfway through Linear Algebra I, by Kenneth Kuttler. I’m really enjoying the interaction between theoretical and numerical application.

The site is http://bookboon.com. All that is required is a valid email address. I haven’t been bombarded with spam from the site, just a periodic newsletter suggesting other books based on my downloads.

LaTex Tutorial

While I’ve been playing in Mathemtatics, I’ve been toying with the idea of publishing some of my findings. So, to so so I looked into relearning Latex. I figured I can use this for writing tests (Current word processors suck at using math symbols), publishing my work, and adding content to my online calculus course supplement. I came accross a fantastic website full of easy to follow tutorials to get me going published by Mrs. Krummel. There are other great resources on her website for those of you teaching Advanced Placement math courses.

check out her videos here http://mrskrummel.com/latex/