
2021 Begins, with Another Remote Semester

The days are getting longer already! Light is returning to the northern hemisphere. We’ve been remote for two semesters (and a summer) and here we are again for Spring 2021. 

Some of you are now experienced remote teachers, others may be getting your first chance. No matter what, we are here to help and listen. Email us at with questions or set up a consultation at We have posted times on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 1:30-3:00 p.m. and Thursdays 10:30-noon. If you can’t meet during the posted times, email us to make other arrangements. More resources listed below. 

But first, an important change for courses in Spring 2021.

Early Access to Moodle & Blackboard for Students

In Spring 2021, Moodle and Blackboard classes will be opened to students one week before classes begin so that students can review materials and find out what is expected of them before the first day of class. (More details in an email that was sent to faculty from CFT/UWW/IDEAS/Library on December 17, 2020.) 

Prepare your Moodle/Blackboard course site* for this release by making sure the top of the first page has the following: 

  • a link to your syllabus (in PDF or other accessible format) 
  • a clear statement on any attendance requirements – will you have live/synchronous meetings? are they required? 
  • any Zoom links (especially if they need to join you in Zoom on the first day of classes.)
  • a clear method for contacting you if students have questions (email, Zoom room, office hours) 
  • descriptions and links (if ready) to any other tools you will be using in the class, such as Google Docs, Echo360, Teams, or Flipgrid.

ALSO: prepare to hide anything that will not be ready for student eyes before January 25. Content can be easily hidden in Moodle and Blackboard, and then revealed when ready. 

If you need help preparing your course for January 25 release, contact us, or the Instructional Media Lab (  

* Not using Moodle or Blackboard? We strongly recommend that you at least have the basics (syllabus, attendance info, contact info, and links to other tools) in the LMS so that students who think to look first in the LMS can find them. We also recommend sending a “welcome email” to students the week before classes begin to introduce the class and let students know where to “go” on the first day. This gives students essential information and lets them know you are invested in their success.  

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash