
5 Best Stress Management Techniques For Students

Picture: Lacie Slezak 

Life as a student can be overwhelming. Not only do you typically have to juggle full days of classes but you’re then left to tackle hours of study each night while sometimes managing a part-time job to pay your bills. It can all become too much, and many students find themselves experiencing chronic stress that affects their health, happiness, and education. While you might not be able to alleviate your stress completely, there’s room to manage it with some of the following techniques. 


If you’re looking for something quick and easy to feel more relaxed, you might consider CBD and THC products like Delta 9 gummies & edibles. Many people who consume gummies and other products like lollipops, chocolate, and cookies, experience feelings of relaxation, calmness, and serenity. Some people have also experienced relief from anxiety and found it easier to sleep after consuming CBD products. While it might not get to the root of your stress, CBD might provide the temporary relief you’ve been seeking. 

Reach Out for Help

It can sometimes seem like your stress is yours alone to carry. You might even feel like you’re the only one feeling like you do.Reach out for help, and you might discover a support network that can relate to your feelings and situation. Don’t be afraid to rely on friends, family, and even college mentors and counselors who can provide you with the support you need to feel and function at your best. 


Exercise might seem like the last thing you have time for in your hectic schedule, but it could be worth your while when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. According to studies, people who exercise regularly are less stressed than those who don’t. Fitting in exercise might also be easier than you think. You might like to walk or bike to class, take a gym class with friends at lunchtime or even get up early for yoga classes. 

Explore Mindfulness

While not everyone believes in the benefits of mindfulness, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest it can be valuable for people experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression. Become more aware of the present moment, focus on your feelings, and observe your reactions while not judging yourself for them. If you need a helping hand with mindfulness, there are plenty of apps and mindfulness meditation practices online to teach you how to get the most value out of it. 

Listen to Music

Whether you want to feel more upbeat or need to feel calmer to focus on your studies, you might see the value in listening to music. Upbeat music might make you feel more optimistic about the work you have ahead, while relaxing music might calm your mind and body. Some studies have even found that people can recover from stressful situations and events far quicker when listening to relaxing music than if they listened to nothing at all. 

You might not be able to eradicate all stress from your life, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it overwhelm you. Try some of these stress management techniques above, and you might have more control over your chronic stress rather than the other way around. 

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