Save the Date: April 1st, 2022

The ECoGSS organizing committee is excited to announce ECoGSS 2022!

This one-day in person symposium will be held from 9 am – 5 pm on Friday, April 1st in the John Oliver Design building, room 170.

Although we are organizing this symposium within ECo, we encourage graduate students in various departments (e.g., OEB, Geosciences, Microbiology, etc.) to participate. Typically, the day consists of a keynote speaker, lightning and traditional talks and poster sessions, with lunch (or, because of COVID, hopefully some kind of dining voucher) included.

ECoGSS is a great opportunity to share your research and practice oral presentation skills in a friendly, supportive environment. This is great way to support and meet other graduate students at UMass, connect with faculty and other conservation professionals & state representatives, and network within/across departments! This year, we’re happy to announce a few changes that we are planning on executing:

  • Students that present at the symposium will automatically be entered in a raffle to win a $50 visa gift card! In addition, students that ATTEND the symposium will be entered in a raffle to win a $25 gift card to Cushman’s Market.
  • Faculty that ATTEND the symposium will be entered in a raffle to win a $25 gift card at Cushman’s Market.
  • We plan on featuring a special “early graduate career” session where graduate students who are in the beginning stages of graduate school can present their research without having to stress over a results section.
  • Lastly, we are considering holding a career panel discussion with post-docs within ECo, OEB, Geosciences, Microbiology, etc. to talk to folks about their academic and non-academic trajectories after graduate school.

Again, please mark Friday, April 1st on your calendar and keep an eye out future information on submitting an abstract, the program/schedule, and more!