It’s been a week since ECoGSS 2020, the third year of our graduate student symposium, which brought together students, faculty, and conservation professionals for a great day of sharing our research and networking. Thank you to everyone who participated!
As in past years, we have developed a feedback survey for ECoGSS. Your participation in this survey helps us continue to improve ECoGSS each year and is a valuable tool for the symposium organizers. We appreciate your participation. In addition, we are recruiting volunteers for next year’s planning committee. If you are interested, please send us an email at ecogss@umass.edu.
Thank you to Participants, Volunteers, and Presenters

We owe a big thank you to our keynote, Dr. Kathleen Bell of UMaine, who started the day off for us with an inspiring talk on boundary spanning and interdisciplinary research. Thank you for coming and sharing your journey with us.
Thank you to our sponsors, particularly the ECo Department and our administrative staff. ECoGSS would not be possible without you. Thank you to our day-of volunteers and judges who volunteered their time to keep ECoGSS running smoothly and who provided valuable feedback to student presenters. Thank you to the BCT faculty and staff for their assistance in the Design Building. And thank you to the conservation professionals who shared their knowledge with us during the networking session and throughout the day.

Of course, ECoGSS would be nothing without our graduate student presenters. Thank you for sharing your work with us and thank you to all of the students who came out to support their labmates. All presenters will be receiving their talk feedback in their mailboxes shortly and congratulations to our winners!
Traditional Talk
1st place: Aaron Grade; 2nd place: (Tie) Jordanna Barley and Jennifer Ryan
Audience choice: Andrew Villeneuve
Lightning Talk
1st place: (Tie) Nadia Fernandez and Meg Harrington; 2nd place: Alexia Perides
Audience choice: Nadia Fernandez
Individual Poster
1st place: (Tie) Jamie Adkins Stoll and Laura Hancock; 2nd place: John Swenson
Audience choice: Jamie Adkins Stoll
Lab Poster Audience choice: Family Forest Research Center