ECoGSS Submission Deadline extended to Jan 29th!

We’ve had a great response to our call for presentations so far, but there’s always room for more powerful examples!

We know this is a busy time of year… Since there’s room in the program for more presentations, we’re offering a one time only extension to the deadline to submit presentation abstracts.

If you have not yet submitted an abstract, this is your last chance! We don’t want you to miss your chance to contribute, so we are extending the abstract submission deadline for 2021 EcoGSS presentations to January 29, 2021 at 11:59 pm. Learn more about submitting an abstract on our Deadlines & Submissions page.

We hope you will join us March 19th as one of our 2021 EcoGSS presenters. 

ECoGSS 2021 — Save the Date!

The ECoGSS organizing committee is excited to announce ECoGSS 2021!

Inviting all Graduate Students involved in environmental conservation-related research! Whether you are from ECo, MS3, OEB, or anywhere else, we want you to be involved in the 2021 ECo Graduate Student Symposium (ECoGSS). ECoGSS is a great space to present your conservation science research to friendly faces, whether you are just starting out in your graduate career or seasoned at attending conferences!

The symposium, hosted by the Environmental Conservation Department, will be held via Zoom on Friday, March 19, 2021.

Abstracts for talks, posters, and discussion panels are due Friday, January 22nd at 11:59 pm. You can find more details and submit your abstract on our Deadlines & Submissions page.

Announcing the 2021 ECoGSS committee chairs

This Autumn,?EcoGSS?finalized committee appointments for the 2020–2021 leadership year. EcoGSS’s abilities and achievements are a direct result of the incredible, dedicated volunteers who tirelessly strive to help realize its vision of inspiring graduate students to share their diverse and interdisciplinary research.

Congratulations to the newly appointed 2021 committee!

Please join us in welcoming these leaders to their new roles!

Patricia Levasseur, Co-Chair and Outreach Coordinator
Alexia Perides, Co-Chair and Secretary
Amanda Suzzi, Marketing/Communications
Ayodele O’uhuru, Program Development
Samantha Myers, Speaker Logistics Coordinator
Grace Casselberry, Financial Planner
Tim Randhir, Faculty Advisor