What YouTube Means to Me

This is a very, very short compilation of all of the types of videos (and some of my favorites) that I love to watch while on YouTube. I absolutely love YouTube and started using it right away as a young teenager when it first came out. I remember how amazing it was that you could post your own videos and watch other people share their own as well. As a side note, a few years before YouTube even came out my mother was still working for IBM (International Business Machine). She worked on a project that would allow users to go online to a website and be able to share videos just the same as we do now with YouTube. However her team’s project got canned because her boss didn’t believe that anyone would want to share videos as a way to express themselves. Too bad he didn’t follow through with the idea because YouTube has millions and millions of individuals browsing videos every second of every day. I am definitely one of those people.

For the most part I love using YouTube for everything that I can possibly think of that would have a video to go along with a name or an idea. I also enjoy listening to music on YouTube and sometimes I’ll even make party playlists to have running in the background while I have guests over. Everything about YouTube is convenient for me and anyone I talk to. YouTube is one of my all-time favorite websites.

Although I do occasionally listen to music on YouTube that is not the majority of the time I spend on the website. For the most part when I’m on YouTube, I’m either watching something because I want to free up time before I have to do something else, or I’m trying to see what’s new with the society and culture that surrounds me every day. YouTube, in my opinion, is a way to escape the burdens of society while also jumping into the heart and culture of what we express to society as what is important to us as the individual. Although that may seem counter-intuitive, it’s anything but a lie.

As you can see from my playlist I’m the kind of guy who loves silly humor, especially from internet videos. A lot of these videos are from at least 6 or 7 years ago and all were really popular at the time they came out. Many of them are newer as well, but still carry on that Idea of humor through memes. I also threw in a couple of videos from some of the more relevant channels that I now watch. One of the videos is from a ‘lets play’ by Youtuber Markiplier playing Octodad (the best game in the world). Another video is from a channel called Dotacinema which is relevant to myself because I am highly addicted to the game Dota 2.

Other than that YouTube is just another place that I can set my mind at ease for a few hours if I’m really stressed out and need a break. It shows me that no matter how upset I am, or no matter how stressed I am, there are always people out there making funny videos that can really change my outlook on life and what is really important to me.


Here is my YouTube Playlist:

My Top 15

5 thoughts on “What YouTube Means to Me

  1. jwsander

    Yes. Yes to ALL. Especially the Bad Lip Reading. Some of my favorite videos, too! Makes me want to edit my post…

    Such a shame your mother’s boss didn’t run with the idea of a video sharing site — you could have been on the inside! I wonder how that would have changed YouTube’s dominant position in the world today…Guess we’ll never know now!

  2. mksulliv

    ^I agree with JDROONEY’s sentiment. YouTube can be both a distraction/procrastinating tool or an eye-opening internet resource. You can use it to avoid schoolwork by watching funny cat videos or you can use it to becoming better informed on what is going on in Venezuela right now.

  3. nblackwo

    I agree that Youtube is such an easy place to get distracted. I’m constantly finding myself going to watch one video and then clicking the links on the side until it’s two hours later and I’m on something completely unrelated to where I started.


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