My New Relationship with Digital Media Technology

One of the best things about this class is how it allowed me to break out of the “normal” class room strata. At the beginning of the class when we were choosing the group versus individual work, it was evident that most students were very hesitant to put more weight into group work. I feel that at start of the semester, none of us had the opportunity of team learning and teaching. Now, however, team learning has had such a tremendous impact on the functionality of this course. I feel like everything came back to team “love” and team discussions. Even the individual readings, for example, were not solely individual because we still had the opportunity to discuss them within our groups and collectively create discussion points made from each reading. The team learning was a major influence for how I absorbed and retained information for this course.

I was attracted to this course because it dealt with new digital media and new technologies. Previously, technology and I had a bumpy relationship. For example, I did not even know how to properly operate Microsoft Word (as I’ve always used Mac Pages). This class allowed me to dive into new technologies through learning and reading about them. I am very proud to have been able to take part in the computer aspect of my group’s final project. It was an amazing feat that I sat in the library and operated iMovie to help edit our project.

The content of this course, too, will be a really big help in my future as an educator. It has taught me more than I ever thought I could learn about Google, YouTube, and video games. I also really enjoyed the team based learning system and want to implement into my own classroom in the future.


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