Final Reflection


Coming into this class I had no idea what it was about but signed up for it because it fit into my schedule and fulfilled one of my major requirements. Since the first day of this class I have been so happy that I took that leap of faith. I love team based learning and found much of the course material interesting and surprising. As someone who is still living in the Dark Ages when it comes to technology, this class challenged me to learn more about new media and think critically about it. My team, The Bacon Party, showed me that working in a team doesn’t have to mean pulling other people’s weight on my own, but that if we all contribute and work together, we can accomplish so much more than we could on our own. I was also challenged to learn more about video games, which I don’t play and have trouble understanding. I really enjoyed watching Anita Sarkeesian’s critique of video games and I’ve been thinking a lot more about representation and it’s effects on society. Working on the video project also made me aware of the Digital Media Lab and everything that it offers. It actually inspired me to try to make a short video on my own, using the library’s resources. Overall, I enjoyed my time in this class and my the time I spent working with my group. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about topics that are very relevant to my life and to the future of new media.

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