Youtube Playlist: Samantha McGarry


I checked out my youtube history for this assignment and found that I watch a wide assortment of videos. I always thought I used Youtube for mainly music. However, I think it’s safe to say that I watch a lot of videos on TED talks, out door videos, feminist women speaking about their views of acceptance and beauty, and dogs. I did not realize how many adorable videos I have seen of dogs. Apparently those types of videos catch my eye. After looking through my history it made sense how I actually use this tool of social media. I use Youtube mainly as an educational tool to learn and expand my mind. Youtube has really helped me learn about a variety of perspectives on a lot of different types of topics.

The first type of videos I mainly search are TED talks. I find these videos so educational and most are extremely interesting. I think it is such a wonderful thing that everyone has access to these types of videos through Youtube. I think Youtube is the most effective source of social media. I do not think there is any down fall about Youtube. Being able to access videos on about almost any topic inspires me to learn more. It is also comforting that I can do that. It’s nice to know that if I do not know how to do something that I can “youtube it”.

I also really enjoy mashup videos. Mashups are my favorite type of videos to watch on Youtube. I think music is so important and I love seeing the talent people have mashed up into one video. I always look forward to seeing the “Mashup of 20__” because it makes me remember everything that has happened that year in the musical business. I associate Youtube and Mashups because of the enormous number of mashups found through youtube.

The last thing I mainly use Youtube for is watching videos about outdoors related activities. I went snowboarding for the first time in four years last weekend. I “youtubed” a video about snowboarding for beginners because, I could. I was able to research and physically see the tips I needed to get back into it. I was able to review any types of tricks or tips I forgot because I had an entire video to help with all the starting information. I think it is a pretty cool thing to be able to do that. 

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