
One idea attached with web platforms is desocialization. The absence of a social physical world is becoming stronger and stronger. This is due to the existence of people in the digital world , and the liking of this different kind of space.

But why do people cling to this space? Part of the reason seems to do with the freedom that is attached with Inter, net being. Anyone can portray who they truly wish to be on the Internet. For a lot of people, this idea has  been unattainable in the natural world. They have been stuck with a body maybe that they don’t like, but this can change now that they have the ability to edit and cut their to reach desired appearance without any repercussions.  Some people may make the statement “you shouldn’t have to change your appearance”. Now I agree that you shouldn’t have to, but a lot of people just want to. It certainly isn’t necessary to change your appearance or self in any way, but it should be an option left on the table.

could this be a negative trend occurring? Could this be seen as a form of hiding? Now I’m still in belief of the option of change, but does this issue raise bigger ones. Could these internet selves help disregard race  and gender issues? people have the ability to sort of hide behind a curtain on the Internet, it’s important that these issues also don’t fall behind this curtain. Without the ability to see people we take out this instant recognition of race or gender. So on one hand, this seems like a good thing. No longer are people using their eyes strictly but now they must use their brains as well. When you can’t trust your eyes to make a lazy decision, the issue becomes more real. When trying to actually process a thought or play with different variables in your head it is clear that one grows through the struggle to find information. The absence of race and gender on the Internet do raise the question, is ignorance bliss? If people don’t know the race or gender of someone, then it’s easy to not pass judgement and trust them. People may have presumptions on certain individuals due to theit race of gender, but when you can’t see it these stereotypes are not being made and a neutralization is taking Place.

Equality has always been a goal of many, as it should remain to be. But neutralization is not the same thing.  Web platforms are  bringing people to a forum where their beauty and differences that represent them are being masked. These differences are what make an individual unique, and they should always be represented. Personally, I believe this desocialization is a bad omen. Yes, certain people are comfortable and happy with how it exists, but it is causing ignorance. Web platforms help propel issues in so many way of speed and easy connection. The issue is the mass desocialization is pausing a conversation and pushing for masks still.

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