Video Games

The main issue with video games is the lack of representation and having most of the main characters being white males. Even the image of what is considered a “gamer” is a white male. How can we change this? Do people want this change? Several developers on the rise Indie developers are trying to fill the void of the lack of representation. They seem to be underrated because they are not making a sports game or it is not the typical character that we’re used to.

Some people brought up in class that a lot of the Indie games are very similar having children as main characters. It’s hard to be completely different but being different from the typical characters is what they’re striving for.It is hard to change a system such in their ways and asking for such a drastic change would not happen overnight. There are developers out there who yearn, just like the consumers, for proper representation in the gaming realm. The first step that is necessary to take is to have the consumers buy more Indie games that have proper representation.

Even though it would be great to have this change,being realistic is also necessary. We have to keep in mind that we are giving confirmation that it is ok not to have representation in games because we are buying them. People feel this way but choose not to buy the games from the Indie companies. Also keep into consideration that not everyone is going to happen despite all the efforts. Even if the gaming world was revamped, people will still find a way to say there’s a lack of representation.

This call for a change should be taken step by step and not be forced because such a change can ruin the world of gaming.

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