
A Web Series  is a series uploaded to the internet. Characteristics that a web series typically encompasses is that they are typically scripted and in episodic form.

Not to be confused with ‘webisode’ which is described in this excerpt from the reading:

“generally inexpensive form of narrative production with the capacity for both niche and worldwide audiences. While there are no formal written rules for the webisode, dramas generally run at approximately ten minutes, while comedies have a run time of less than six minutes. Soap operas can have a longer format of approximately twelve to fifteen minutes. Some episodes complete an entire story arc, while others are serialized. Some web series run for several seasons, while others are encapsulated in one series. These web series vary widely in terms of subject matter, genre, and target audiences.”

p. 65 Blacks in the Future: Braving the Frontier of the Web Series

Web series are similar to that of a television series in that it targets a specific audience. They can last as just one series or even run for several seasons. Web series are really a very accessible form of media where mostly anyone can get involved. For the viewer it is free to watch and easy to access. It has been described as an activity that is very inexpensive and if you simply have the technology (a camera) to make your idea come into fruition then you’re golden.

The web series has been a great vehicle for creating a Black community. The web series is used as a form of expression Black voices and creativity. It is a really great way for anyone to express their ideas. Whereas television shows are a thousand times less diverse in not only participants but also content.



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