The Big Four

Are “The Big Four” really taking over. After our unit on Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook I realized how much each of these show up in my daily life. I use Google almost everyday to search for mindless things like “how to bake gluten free cookies?” or “how much do plane tickets to thailand cost?”. The answers to these questions are made available to me with just the touch of a button and a little cell service. I am then able to pull up millions of cookie recipes and a bunch of plane ticket options along with advice on how to take the best trip possible. This, by the way, is all done on my iPhone provided to me by Apple, one of “The Big Four” as well. And when I get sick of staring at the tiny screen I look to my Apple computer whose browser opens right up to the Apple homepage incase I have any questions. Then if I decide that I want to buy some books on the topics I searched I go no further than Amazon, which has the best selection which links me up with other shops that may have books I need or Amazon may even have their own stock of certain books. Then, because I have an Amazon account, buying this book is only one click away.

The only platform that I do not use is Facebook. When I was younger, sharing things with my friend via Facebook was very popular, but as I get older, there are other forms of social media that have attracted me more. One such site is Twitter, which I feel in conjunction with Instagram is taking over the social media control and even beginning to beat out Facebook. This is not to say that the use of Facebook is dead, I still have a Facebook for the soul purpose of photos, but slowly I have been transitioning even that use into Instagram. I feel that because of new trends in the social media world, the fourth spot will continue to change, slowly yet surely. I feel that it is only a matter of time before the next big invention comes out and beats out Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

However, I do not feel like the end is quite as near for Google, Amazon, or Apple, who seem to have a monopoly over their three functions. They, unlike Facebook, do not have to rely on being trendy, only functional. The reason that I use these three is because they are easy and they work. I do not have troubles with my Apple products, which are easy enough to use that my grandmother can use them. Google is very accessible and provides me with the information that I need very quickly, and Amazon provides me with the products that I need at a low price. Though it may be possible one day to create things that are more functional than these three platforms, but for now I think that they will reign supreme for longer than Facebook seems able.

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