What I’ve Learned in UMass 302

This semester in UMass 302 I have learned a lot about new media but I think one of the most important lessons I have learned is to be aware of what is going on when I use new media. We talked a lot about privacy, and how most of the time we really have no idea how much privacy we really have while browsing the web. When reflecting on this unit I realized how I almost never read the “terms of use” contract that you must sign for iTunes, your iPhone, YouTube, SnapChat, or any other digital device. I do not have a lawyer go over all of these things with me and I have never once thought of it as an issue. However, many students in this class brought up reasons that I should be concerned about my privacy on the web, and on other apps. Why should Google, or other apps, have access to my medical records, my personal emails, or other private things that I may use the internet for? This was addressed in our reading “Google Controversies”, in which the violation of privacy for the sake of relevant ads is debated. This has led me to be more skeptical of the type of information that apps on the web really do take from me, and I wonder how much information they have documented.

Another thing that I have become more aware of because of UMass 302 is the lack of representation in common media such as television programs, radio, and movies. Popular television programs rarely have much diversity and are normally predominately white male and female leads. One thing new media has opened up is ways that minorities can show their talents and prove that, even if they aren’t on a mainstream television program, they can attract a large audience. One place that we have touched on a lot during this course is YouTube and Web Series. These portals have opened up great opportunities for all communities to showcase themselves in a positive light, rather than conforming to the way that mainstream media seems set on portraying them. This is creating opportunities for new types of television shows that break the stereotypes that have been creates by society as well as helping people see themselves accurately depicted in media.

The last thing that I have really become more aware of is the way that people are portrayed in video games. I have only been exposed to very few video games, most involving animals with no hint at any societal themes (Banjo-Kazooie, Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers, etc.), however in this class we looked at many different video games and how racist and sexist tones are taken in many of them. Though, some classmates enlightened me on the different video games that are out there that do not take on these themes and instead help to promote positive images of all, not just the select “majority”. This is especially important because of the growing diversity of gamers that are out there who all have a right to recognize themselves in a game as a protagonist.

All and all I have learned very much in this course, and it has really helped to enlighten me about the ways in which new media is growing, and ways that I can be a more responsible and aware user of new media of all forms.

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